Well, you know...
Time flies incredibly fast. It's just like I am a passenger of a runaway train. Sometimes I take a look to a window, I see my life fading away, I see my own pain, treasure, happiness and that sweet daily routine I used to hate that much. Time's flying - my first blog entry was posted like a half year ago. Everything is changing, but I can't really understand it.
Somehow, I am not really in pain. I mean, I am not the only passenger in this bloody, deadly train. All the bacteria, fungus and animal species are here. Even my favourite cactus that died several years ago - he's here too. I am not alone here, it just feels like that.
I am... I am... I am... MY world is spinning, going all about ME with no place for someone else. What kind of dreams do I have, what do I own for sure? What is my world about?
Maybe I'll just go to study my mycology...
Gintarė Meow.
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